The Massachusetts Republican State Committee (MRSC) consists of one man and one woman, each an enrolled Republican, from each senatorial district in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Cape & Islands State Committee District consists of the towns of Barnstable, Yarmouth, Dennis, Harwich, Brewster, Chatham, Orleans, Eastham, Wellfleet, Truro, Provincetown, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard.
The State Committee is a volunteer position within the Massachusetts Republican Party.
Here is a summary of the job description of the State Committee from the Mass GOP by-laws:
Operations: Each Regular Member of a district is individually responsible for advising and assisting the local committees in his / her district. Each Regular Member shall periodically attend business meetings of the local committees in his or her district. The State Chair shall have jurisdiction over all disputes regarding local committee operations and the Chair’s decision shall be binding on all parties. Regular Members shall work with State Committee personnel to assure local committee activity in:
recruiting candidates for partisan and non-partisan local, county and state public office;
acting as a standing campaign committee to assist Republican candidates for partisan and non-partisan local, county and state public office;
raising funds at the local level to further local committee efforts and to aid Republican candidates;
identifying newly-registered Republicans at the local level and soliciting their participation in the local committee;
organizing registration drives and getting out the vote;
providing local newspapers with favorable news releases and letters to the editor;
organizing meetings, rallies, seminars and social events;
assuring the preparation and adoption of local committee by-laws consistent with these by-laws; and
such other matters as may be determined by the State Chair or his designee.
Oversight: Each Regular Member shall have oversight, together with the Regional Chair, of all local committees in their district. For purposes of this section, oversight means ensuring that the requirements of this section 4 are being implemented. Nothing in this section shall limit the power of the State Chair regarding operation of local committees. Neither the State Chair, the Regional Chair nor any member or employee of the State Committee shall have any control over contributions by any local committee to any Republican candidate or to any other Republican political committee. Provided that a town, ward, or city committee have organized pursuant to Section 4(a), the following provisions shall apply:
Meetings: Each local committee shall furnish at least (10) ten days written notice of its regular meetings to its full membership and to the Regular Members of the state committee of its district. In the event that a local committee fails to meet within a three (3) month period or is dissolved by operation of law, either Regular Member of the district shall so report to the Regional Chair. The Regional Chair and either Regular Member of the district or both Regular Members of the district may then jointly issue a notice of special meeting to all members of the local committee, and either shall preside over that meeting. For the purpose of this section, a local committee shall be deemed to have met only if both Regular Members and the State Chair receive advance notice of the meeting from the local committee. The State Chair shall have independent power to call a special meeting of any local committee upon notice to its members and to the Regional Chair and Regular Members in whose district the committee is located. (ii)
Membership: In the event that five (5) or more local committee membership positions are vacant for more than three months, either Regular Member or the Regional Chair may notify the local committee Chair to fill the vacancies. Both Regular Members and the Regional Chair shall receive an advance copy of the notice to the local committee Chair. In the event that five (5) or more vacancies exist on the local committee three (3) months after such notice, the Regional Chair or either Regular Member may appoint members to fill such vacancies, and shall notify the State Committee and State Secretary's Office of such appointments pursuant to G.L. c. 52, sec. 5. The State Chair shall have jurisdiction over any disputes arising under this section, and the Chair’s decision shall be binding on all parties.
Local Chairs: In the event that (a) a local committee Chair fails to call a meeting within a three (3) month period, or (b) if a local committee endorses a non-Republican in a partisan election, or (c) if good cause exists as determined by a majority of the Regional Committee in which the local committee is located; the -9- Regional Chair and either Regular Member of the district or both regular members of the district may jointly act as ex-officio moderators of the local committee for such time as they deem necessary. Nothing in this section shall limit the power of the State Chair to call a special meeting of a local committee, at which the State Chair or his designee shall act as ex-officio moderator of the local committee. Any local committee or local committee Chair aggrieved by such receivership may appeal to the State Chair, whose decision shall be binding on all parties.